Why do you overeat? Firstly, you need to ask yourself...


What I am trying to get out of food?
What am I hungry for?
Is it nutrition or something else?
Does my body really need food now?

Usually a binge is not on something healthy and it is usually not around meal times. These signs on its own should tell you that it is an unnecessary binge coming on…

When you are in a ‘binge’ state, you are in a ‘pressure state’. You know intellectually it might not be real, but you need something to get out of that state. Even though you know you are going to regret it later. The point is – what is behind it? What are you trying to get?

Usually, when you get to a point where you absolutely MUST have something NOW – it’s not your body that needs it. You’re hoping food would fill a gap inside, but it never does, that’s why you keep eating. You might be longing for something else and the key is to determine what that is and how to fulfill that need.

Another major reason is it is emotions being driven to fear - FEAR OF LOSS. Loss of opportunity to change it and then do it anyway. Fear for a loss of pleasure. It’s about gaining that small amount of pleasure for a small period of time. This is not to your benefit, and it is certainly not serving you well. Is the health and weight consequences really worth these few moments of pleasure?
This behavior is NOT about food; it is about the FEAR OF DEPREVATION!

You’re afraid of losing control – and then that is the very thing that happens when you binge.

You have to understand this pattern. AWARENESS IS POWER! If you are aware of it, you can control and change it.

How do we get control of this fear of loss (deprivation)?

You have to become aware of the pattern and what triggers it. If you can control the trigger, you will control the outcome.


The ILLUSION OF LOSS is what causes us to overeat


How do we deal with this?
  • Get absolutely certain inside your brain and body that you will have it again. It is not necessary to have it right now, but you can have it again.
  • Create more availability. Buy lots of what you usually binge on. This will deflate your interest because unconsciously you’ll know you can have it at any time you want.
  • Go for the tomorrow technique – you can always have it tomorrow, because there is plenty and it will still be there.
  • If you want to eliminate you fear of loss, remind yourself by not eating something right now, you can still eat it later. Give yourself the opportunity to NOT put something in your body that you KNOW is not good for you right now. Give yourself the opportunity to have the body you desire.
  • This is just a false fear, don’t react on it.
  • Break out of this pattern! It is as simple as taking control and deal with what really needs to be dealt with.


‘Beat the Binge’